Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty Dumpty is a metaphor for peace.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
We build instruments of war as a deterrent, so that we may preserve peace. In medieval times you built castles to hold onto key pieces of land. In addition these castles were there to protect the peasants that worked the land. This is the part of the poem where Humpty is sitting on the wall. We've deluded ourselves into believing that peace can be preserved through the preparation for war.
Ironically this deterrent system actually pushes us into preemptive strikes. We convince ourselves that the other side is going to attack and in order to save lives, we need to attack first. Humpty, peace, is broken through this war preparation. The engine of war having been revved by both sides is unleashed.
The third line represents the war itself. Who fights this war, the king's horses and men. All their fighting is in vain as the peace, as they knew it, can never be put back together. People will die, animals will be slaughtered and farms will be burned.
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